You have to fight Genichiro, Way of Tomoe first.Endgame Ashina Reservoir: Found down the tunnel at the Near the Secret Passage Sculptor's Idol.Where to find Isshin, The Sword Saint in Sekiro? However, decreasing their health will make it so their Posture Gauge depletes more slowly, assisting you in accomplishing this feat. Bosses like The Sword Saint are special, dangerous Enemies that feature a special display on-screen when defeated, such as " Immortality Severed" or " Shinobi Execution". You will need to perform multiple Deathblows on them in order to defeat them, and filling their Posture Gauge is the fastest way to accomplish this. This Complete Isshin, The Sword Saint Boss Guide gives you strategies on how to beat Isshin easily, as well as tips, tricks and lore notes. Isshin, The Sword Saint (剣聖、葦名一心 Kensei Ashina Isshin Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina ) is the final Boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.